Sunday, February 6, 2011

Everyone has a story to tell...

I am a fan of music that encompasses different styles, genre's, and regions. But the common thread between all of my favorite pieces, is their ability to convey a story. Whether it calls forth feelings of fear, anger, love, resentment, nostalgia, or merely provides a narrative that I can relate to,  these are the pieces that touch me.

This song is a great example of what I have been trying to explain, and why I tend to gravitate towards the music produced by singer/songwriters. This is not to say that music can only tell a story using lyrics; feelings can be evoked with equal ( if not more) effectiveness through melody alone. The stories told without lyrics are often more meaningful for you, because it's essentially your own story, directed by shifts in the composition of the melody. Can you recollect a film score that elicits a feeling from you--changes your mood, or directs your thoughts in some way, whenever you hear it? I can think of quite a few.

But i digress... the reason I began on this tangent has to do with my new direction. I think my hiatus began when I ran out of ideas. I was tired, overworked and, unfortunately, uninspired; frustrated and without a direction on which I wanted to focus. The story. I am going to attempt a period in which everything I create tells a story, which is how I think photographs are going to be very effective (especially given that I am inept at rendering images by hand). I am excited to see where this might lead...

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